The signing of the grant agreements under the Small Grants Fund, the LEADER rural edition and LEADER + took place on April 23

The signing of the grant agreements under the Small Grants Fund, the LEADER rural edition and LEADER + took place on April 23
The event of signing financing contracts and the training session within the Small Grants Fund, the LEADER rural edition and LEADER +, took place in mid-April. Coordinated by Tomasz Horbowski, Head of the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, Marina Albu, President of the National LEADER Network in Moldova and Radu Tucan, FGM coordinator, the event gathered around 50 LAG managers and chairmen and the responsible body, discussed and debated a series of topics for the next steps in the activity of the Local Action Groups.
Marina Albu presented the methodology and the implementation process, which together with the present participants determined the way of implementing the following steps, the time limits and the way of organizing the competition for the selection of micro-projects and their implementation.
Radu Tucan has come up with a series of suggestions for streamlining the aforementioned processes, as well as presented models of acts for call for proposals within the LAGs, as well as more on the methodology of cooperation and communication with partners. “The LAG is not a closed club. Co-financing is granted on a merit basis to projects belonging both to members of the LAG and its non-members,” said Radu.
The culmination of the event was the signing of financing contracts for LAGs, selected for funding under FGM 2019, LEADER rural edition and LEADER +.