Svetlana Regus, manager of the “ECO Duz Ialpugel” LAG.
I live in the village Cotovscoe from ATU Gagauzia, I have a master degree in Law and I work as a senior consultant for the Parliament Territorial Information Office of the Republic of Moldova in Comrat. Since 2010 until now I have been working as an advisor to the Council from village Cotovscoe. Between 2017 and 2019, I have been a manager of the “ECO Duz Ialpugel” LAG.
The LAG achievements up to now are as follows: LAG established; LAG governing bodies elected; LAG Regulation and development strategy approved; partnership agreement sighed; LAG participated in the grants call under LEADER SARD Project; financial contracts signed. As a result, 17 microprojects have been implemented in 2018 with the total amount of $ 32,000, within 10 months. I participated in the SARD LEADER International Conference in Bulgaria, a study visit and experience exchange in Poland, etc.
My goal as a manager is to develop rural areas within the LAG “ECO Duz Ialpugel” by supporting small business and local entrepreneurs and start-up businesses, development and modernization of educational and cultural infrastructure and development of local tourism.