Category: success stories

Mihai Chitaica

Mihai Chitaica LAG Serpentina Nistrului “I managed to train the children to achieve high performances” Here’s a new history about a project destined to develop a healthy community and, we believe, to accustom children to a healthy lifestyle. We’re talking about the project “Safe tourism and sports activities” of the “Serpetina Nistrului” Local Action Group, whose…
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Vasile Porubin

Vasile Porubin LAG Plaiul Codrilor “We aim to produce high quality honey” A new day brings us again to Dolna village, as we visit the beehive workshop organized in the framework of a project, which is supposed to modernize these houses of bees. “My name is Vasile Porubin and I live here, in Dolna. I…
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The Necula Family

The Necula Family LAG Plaiul Codrilor “Our business will create new job opportunities” We’ve visited the Necula family on a warm autumn morning. This colourful season could fill your lungs with its fresh perfume. Now, all the trips to the Moldovan villages are more enjoyable, as every landscape is eye-catching and every leaf falls poetically.…
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