Pentru Dezvoltare Rurală Sustenabilă
The National LEADER Network is the association that aims to promote the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova, representing and supporting the interests of the Local Action Groups (LAG). The network was established on the strength of the common efforts of the LAGs and facilitating organisations, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and the European Union. Organisation contributes to the development of rural areas of the Republic of Moldova, being involved in the processes of elaboration and implementation of the LEADER approach, establishing partnerships at the regional, national and international levels, creating and facilitating the favourable environment for the interaction and development of the Moldovan LAGs.The mission of the organisation is to facilitate the association and cooperation among the LAGs and other stakeholders involved in the promotion of the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova for a durable rural development.Starting with April 2019, the National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova has adhered to the European LEADER Association for Rural Development (ELARD).
LEADER in the Republic of Moldova – Key Numbers
The LEADER approach (an acronym in French meaning “Links between actions for the development of the rural economy”) is an European Union initiative to supportrural development projects, initiated at the local level in order to revitalise rural areas.
The LEADER approach is implemented in a specific area, comprising of a few to several neighbouring locations, which have local common resources and potential and are eager to work together for the local development.
It is an institutionalized partnership. The members of LAGs are organizations, institutions, local leaders – the representatives of public, entrepreneurial and civic sector, which administer together all local development processes.
The elaborated document which describes a shared vision, priorities and directions of development, specific activities and investments a LAG wants to carry out in its territory.
Acest site a fost creat cu suportul financiar al Uniunii Europene în cadrul proiectului „Asistență Tehnică pentru implementarea Contractului de Reformă Sectorială – Programul European de Vecinătate
pentru Agricultură și Dezvoltare Rurală (ENPARD)”, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană și implementat de Agrotec. Conținutul acestui site web nu reflectă neapărat poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene.
Str. Sfatul Țării 27, oficiul 46, Chișinau, MD-2012
FB: leader.moldova
Tel: +373 602 33312; +373 686 11139
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